21 January 1998 – Death of a child


            A woman who is a scientist, artist, and journalist comes to see Maharaj ji. She is weeping because her teenage daughter has died. He says to her,

            Don’t cry. Everyone lives and dies. People are crying here, but in the next life people are rejoicing because a new child has been born. Dervishes remember the hundreds of lives they have had. By doing paath, a person gets a good next life. But if you ask why a person has died, what does that mean? It is against the law of birth, death, and rebirth. As it is written in the Gita, the body is temporary but the soul is eternal. All will go at some point, so go along laughing.

            The visitor says, “We were all praying for her, but she died anyway.”

            Maharaj tells her,

            The way to pray is, “Please keep her at Your feet.” Everyone goes, but the question is how they go. Thank God that you were all doing paath as she went. Everyone takes another birth to continue their work. Guru Gobind Singh never told God not to take his children. Pray like this; don’t cry.

            Death is truth; birth is untruth. But we have very little training to understand this—that everyone must go.

 Your daughter’s thinking was good. She will surely have a good next life. Thank God for that.