Last night Maharaj told me that there is great blessing circulating here at Gobind Sadan because of our reciting “Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Sahib” at the beginning of each verse of Jaap Sahib. I reported to him that lower caste people such as dairy workers and gardeners are reading Jaap Sahib with great devotion in his havan on the hillside. Maharaj said, “That’s who we are here for—the people who are not allowed into other places.”
Now we are sitting outside at dusk as the sky turns red in the west and great numbers of birds are chattering as they settle in their trees. Some of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee have come for Maharaj ji’s guidance and blessings for their upcoming election, for which he has been asked to recommend the slate. He tells them,
Remember that there are crores of people like us, but only one Guru Gobind Singh. Seeing you, people should see Guru Gobind Singh. Become sevadars. A great weakness has come: We have cut out the Guru and made organizations according to our own ideas. If angels, martyrs, and the Guru’s Merciful Gaze are to come, they must come through you.
Don’t point out others’ weaknesses. It’s a waste of time. We should become good ourselves. We should make such a committee that it should become an example.
If a person is doing crime or taking charity, perhaps he won’t tolerate Gobind Sadan. We don’t want to force anything on you. We just want you to make good management. We have no personal desires. Our culture and the principles of the Guru are one. Make your committee and take Their blessings. We may make hospitals and schools, but why not emphasize cleaning up our own management?
The committee members all nod in agreement. Maharaj continues,
Ask Guru Gobind Singh to pardon you and make you good Sikhs. Make a firm resolve: never agree with anyone who does wrong. Whoever follows the Guru is never afraid and never intimidates anyone. If a person commits crime, how can he be exemplary? No Sikhs in the world will be against this—no one wants to support loss of character. You all know the discipline. Be courageous. First clean your minds. Make a gurdwara a good place. We want to go there to do seva.