Stories from Gobind Sadan

December 25, 1991: The Spirit of Jesus on Christmas

Our Christmas celebration has been unusually rich with God’s Light and love. Maharaj had asked me to make the arrangements. For several weeks, many people have been helping happily. A big potted evergreen tree was brought into the courtyard and... Read more

December 31, 1991: The Aura Of Truth

Hervinder Singh had the chance yesterday to be alone with Maharaj when he was in samadhi. He said,  “It was such a beautiful spiritual sight: The color of his aura kept changing across his face.”

Now today, with Prem Swaranjit... Read more

January 1, 1992: Colors

On New Year’s Day, some of us were called into the courtyard of Maharaj’s small house to witness a special occasion: He was wearing beautiful golden clothes that Prince’s mother had made for him. He looked very elegant in long... Read more

January 10, 1992: Prem’s Story

Swaranjit Singh, eminent businessman and President of the Gobind Sadan Institute for Advanced Studies in Comparative Religions who is very close to Maharaj, came to see Maharaj along with his wife Prem. Later four more men joined the audience. Maharaj... Read more

September 1992: The Wrong Prayer

Gobind Sadan USA was developed by Maharaj in a beautiful 250-acre former dairy farm north of Syracuse, New York. Down the road, Gurbachan Singh (“Editor Sahib”) and his wife Manjeet were living simply in a mobile home. By Maharaj’s grace,... Read more

Fall 1992: Through the Adirondacks

Maharaj Ji spent about six months in the United States from summer into winter 1992. During most of this time, he lived in seclusion at the beautiful home of Ralph Singh and Joginder Kaur in the countryside outside Syracuse, New... Read more

October 16, 1992: Retreat at Snake Lake

While Maharaj was in the United States, he kindly consented to spend ten days at my parents’ secluded vacation place in rural Connecticut. Ever since our children were young, we had called it “Snake Lake” in honor of the snakes... Read more

Later October 1992: The Goat in the Ravine

I was so excited to have Maharaj staying at my parents’ country home in the quiet northeastern corner of Connecticut near where I had been living, for I wanted to show him all the places I loved. Once we drove... Read more

October 22, 1992: Faithfulness

Back in the rolling countryside outside Syracuse, New York, where Maharaj was staying in the lovely home of Ralph Singh and Joginder Kaur, he called me into the sitting room one day. Rani translated as he spoke very movingly on... Read more

November 20, 1992: An Intimate Revelation

Col. Sahib (the much beloved Daya Singh Baweja) remembered an occasion on which Maharaj said privately to some of his close devotees on the veranda outside his room,

I don’t know why this feeling is coming to me, but I... Read more

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