Stories from Gobind Sadan

February 12, 1993: Maharaj in the dairy

Gobind Sadan used to have hundreds of cows and buffalos, among which were the All-Asia and the All-India prize-winning cows. The All-Asia prize cow was named ­­­­­­­­­­­­­Rustam (“The Champion”). She gave 60 litres of milk in one day. Maharaj knew... Read more

February 13, 1993: What is natural is priceless

Captain Parveen Singh Tung and his wife Kanwaljit Kaur came to Maharaj to present him a copy of the book One-Straw Revolution by the visionary Japanese farmer, Masanobu Fukuoka. Captain Tung was passionate about organic farming, and was involved with... Read more

February 15, 1993 – Harmony in the Home

In my diary there is an entry from approximately February 15th.  I didn’t note who it was to whom Maharaj was speaking, but apparently it was a couple. Whoever they were, what he said to them would apply to many... Read more

February 8, 1993: The Bees Know


A busload of 200 people came to Gobind Sadan today to tour the sacred precincts. But instead of following our programme—Nam simran, jaap Sahib, and seva—they just played and lounged on the grass, even in the sacrosanct small central... Read more

February 17, 1993 – To Mark Tully—“God Exists”

This day Maharaj had a brilliant and distinguished guest, Sir Mark Tully. He was at that time the Chief of Bureau of the BBC in Delhi—a post he held for 20 years. He had covered all the major events in... Read more

February 27, 1993: Love God and struggle hard

A group of young adults from Sweden have come to Shiv Sadan to see Maharaj. One of them is Nandi Vileika of Stockholm, who ultimately spent a long time doing very dedicated volunteer work at Gobind Sadan. They are associated... Read more

March 18, 1993 – An Agnostic’s Belief

Hari Dang is a famous mountaineer, environmental scientist and activist who has no faith in religion. But when he comes to Maharaj, an extraordinary exchange occurs. Hari Dang says to Maharaj, “People like me have done good work all their... Read more

March 21, 1993: The genuine benefits of Havan

As Maharaj Ji prepares for the big havan, he tells us some of the benefits it will bring: We do havan to cleanse the atmosphere and appease the great Powers. We are all working to alleviate poverty. We all want... Read more

March 30, 1993 – The Road to Peace


Maharaj is sitting in his rocking chair in the “Green Room,” an open veranda behind Darbar Sahib. As a fan turns overhead to help abate the heat, he speaks to three women from the Earthstewards Network plus fifty more... Read more

April 3, 1993 – God is not a theory


God is not a theory Apparently reading their minds, Maharaj gives a talk to a young Australian couple about disbelief in God. Some of his points, as translated by his long-time devotee Kissi Atwal, a mining contractor: God is... Read more

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