March 10, 1998 – Forgive your critics


            General Uban has brought a group of Italians under the leadership of Mario Attombri. They consider Mario their guru, as he is a yoga teacher and spiritual healer. They seem to have come to India as spiritual seekers. Maharaj asks them if they have any questions for him. Mario replies, “Your darshan is enough. We have no questions. But we are attacked in Italy by those who don’t understand us.”

            Maharaj says to them,

            What is religion? What is the Light? We cannot forget that Jesus came from the same Light as Om. He said to love the flowers, love the trees because all are from the same Creator. All are worshipping Om, worshipping God. As Guru Gobind Singh said, “God is in the water, God is in the earth.” That Light-giving Om permeates everywhere. In the Holy Qur’an, it is written that when God wanted to put Light in everything, He said, ‘Kun!’ (Manifest!) and it did. Moses stood on the same thing: There is One God. Guru Nanak said there is One God—Creator and Caretaker of all. He said, ‘Oh mind, you are the form of Light.’ There is a Power in you which you never bow to. When you see Him inside, you will see Him everywhere.

 All prophets have called it by different names, but it is the same Om. So long as we don’t go to that Light, we see all prophets as separate. You don’t have to become a Christian to love Christ. When you love Him, He comes. There is no need to become a Muslim in order to go to the Prophet Muhammad. Guru Gobind Singh said, ‘I will tell you the truth: Only those who have deeply loved God have ever realized God.”

 That Light within us runs the whole cosmos. If you ask who is our family, the whole cosmos is our relation. But that Light extinguishes the darkness only when there is meditation. Kabir said, “Enlightenment came like a storm.”

As for the Guru, the True Guru is so cool that he never gets angry, has no enemy. By reciting Nam, one sees the whole cosmos. It is best to control your mind through meditation. Be above both praise and criticism. To say, “He criticized me” is the weakness of ignorance. Whatever they say is all under His hukam. Do not say, “Christians don’t like us.” Just meditate. They asked Jesus what was the best prayer. He told them, “Oh God, bless the one who bothers me the most.” Then the door to my Father’s Kingdom will be wide open for you.

Also leave desire for thanks. Rise above that. Ask God to give more enlightenment to those who are not grateful. There is no need for their gratitude.

Guru Gobind Singh says, “You are the One who creates conflict. I bow to You, Creator of clashes.” And also, “You are the embodiment of peace.” When someone speaks ill of you, speak sweetly. The Prophet Muhammad brought flowers to those who had thrown stones at him. Leave this issue of who is enemy or friend. Our every breath is so precious. Don’t waste a single breath being upset.

Consider Mahavir: His clothes fell off and he didn’t even know or care. He just stayed in the Light and said, “Don’t commit violence.” All his inner weaknesses were gone. There was only Light. If you look toward Om, you will love all of Creation, including those people who trouble you.

Al Mansur (a great Sufi saint) had scorpions in his wounds. They left but he brought them back, saying, “I made a mistake. Don’t you want to stay?” Someone asked him why he did that. He replied, “This is the difference between him and me: His role is to give me pain and mine is to alleviate pain. Neither of us has left our role.” Jesus also asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him.

 Pray to Him to give love to those who criticize you. You emerged from Om but they don’t even know what Om is. Bless them with knowledge. Then Om will be very happy. The thought that these are enemies should disappear.

May God bless you. Keep worshipping Om and rise above enmity no matter what people do. Stay in the Light of enlightened wisdom. It is darkness when you think of enmity. Clean your mind. Then the fragrance of that Om will blossom in you. And stay happy.

Mario Attombri says, “Why are people following me? I am nothing.”

Maharaj says,

Keep this idea: Tell them to love God. Greatness is His. Keep yourself out of it.

General Uban suggests to the group that they put a photo of Maharaj in their meditation room and invite him to come there. Mario says, “It would be a great honor if he would come to us. But I don’t dare to ask him to come.”

Noncommital as usual, Maharaj says only, “Love. Love lots.”