2 March 1998 – How to leave drugs


A famous model from England has been brought to Maharaj ji by a holistic doctor who is treating her for drug addiction. Being a devotee of Maharaj ji, the doctor knows that wise spiritual guidance and blessings to follow the guidance can definitely help to solve her problem. Maharaj says to her,

Everything in the body is a cycle. If it is broken, one’s health fails. Drugs affect the cycle—something overflows. To break the habit takes great power. When we take a drug, our blood cells are taking it. But if a person makes a proper circle, enjoys life, deals with good people, there will be no accidents, no mental problems. If the circle is weak, we will be upset.

It’s all a matter of our habits—be it liquor, society, television, or meditation. There is attraction in everything—our mind is caught, whether by television or meditation. If a person eats naturally and sleeps well, he will remain above worry. 

When we break our link with the Creator, we lose in all ways. Buddha was asked why he meditated. He said it was to remove inner evils and prevent outer ones. Then with meditation, clear vision and clear mind develop. Meditation is so necessary as food for the mind, making it very strong. What can the body do if the mind is fearful and weak? Weakness of mind leads to weakness of the body. By strengthening the mind, you get the power to break a habit. Then love will develop within you—you will see love wherever you look. But for this, meditation is very necessary, to make your insides very, very pure and clean.

So much Light and Love of God is already within us. A person gets into drugs carelessly, and then a habit is formed—it will not let go of them. But when you meditate, the higher intoxicant will claim you. When that taste comes, you will have no interest in other tastes. 

A person is very brave, for so much light of God is in Him, but we must join our light with His. How? Think of Him. Then when we love Him, there is no need to long for His touch—we become intoxicated with seeing Him everywhere.

We have been made so tender, but we have become so tortured that we wonder where the joy has gone. Just make the mind strong and meditate, then the clear mind and good things within you will remain. God will give you so much will power. 

We say that people travel through many lives. Along the way, we meet many things—addiction, worries. These are our karmas from the past. That is why it is said that Jesus suffered for us, to take on our evils.

 When a person is enslaved, he has no freedom. His body belongs to someone else. Habit forming is a very bad thing. When a child is born, it is so very happy and playful. But as it grows in society, enslavement and fear begin. 

Jesus said, “He is my Father and I am His Son.” He takes such care. All life is the concern of the Father, who is King of the spirit. He gives Light, untold wealth. Give your mind to Him when addictive things enter.  

If you are intoxicated, you don’t know anything. The bulb is off. God put it on, but we have turned it off. Become strong and rise above drugs. We will give you prasad. Eat it daily, and you will rise above addiction. Drugs are their own world. Take that intoxicant which is nectar, by which your body will be so strong. 

Take the finger of the One who will make you okay. Otherwise the need will return. Take the help of the One who is helping in every life. Then you will be the slave of His Love. Hold His finger. If you let go of it, it is not possible to leave the addiction. With it, there are great blessings. Be strong. You wonder, “How can it be?” So much is possible that you cannot imagine. That power is in you to have faith in God, but you have held the wrong finger. You think, ‘I want to love, serve.” Meditate and hold His finger, and you will have a new life. 

Now drug addiction is bothering you from inside your blood. The doctor loves you and wants you to be cured. Perhaps God has brought you here to shake this off. You will discover so much willpower inside yourself that you never knew was there. Hold the finger of His healing. He is such a great Power. Jesus said, “Hold out your hand of flesh and He will hold out His hand of Light to you.”

 Even if you don’t feel like it, laugh. There is great willingness in you to serve and work. It’s just a matter of wrong companions.  Your doctor has faith that you can be so strong that you can help your people develop. It is in your karma. From today there will be an effect.