Today the new SGPC Delhi committee has been formed of the members recommended by Maharaj ji. The election reportedly occurred very quietly, in contrast to the fighting that had been raging between the two sides. When they all come to Maharaj ji—one side first, and then the other, and then both sides sitting together—he immediately begins instructing them in proper use of the sangat’s contributions. In Sikhism, people are supposed to give 10% of their earnings to charity, and most give it to their gurdwara. This has created large treasuries which have been subject to misuse. Maharaj ji says,
Use these daswant (10%) donations properly. They belong to the Ninth Guru. They come from people’s hard work. The entire money of a gurdwara is for the Guru’s mission. You should all give up the cars you have bought with this money.
The members stir and look at each other. Maharaj continues,
When Umar was secretary of the Muslim community, he extinguished the divas in the room for he said that the money was only for Islam, not for private conversations. Looking at you, those who sacrificed so much are wondering what sacrifices you are making. “In Nanak’s house there is only Nam.” I have no self-interest, but I will speak up against misuse of money and yelling.
One of the members says, “Today was a record. The election was held so peacefully, in pin-drop silence.”
Maharaj responds,
There are crores like us, but the Guru is one. If we think ill of him we are forbidden to eat. Speak whatever is in Gurbani. Peace will come from that, whereas speaking from our minds will bring conflict.
They tell me that 90% of the committee members are drinking. That’s the first thing: to stop drinking. Whatever is forbidden in Gurbani we should avoid. [He quotes Guru Granth Sahib but I don’t catch it.] You must be very strict about drinking, for you are in a position of responsibility.
If our father and culture are one, how can we be divided? We are not shooting arrows. We are to take the Guru’s blessings. Cut out hatred from your mind. In Gurbani it is written, “Whoever has enmity does not have a clear mind.” This is the management of the Ninth Guru, who is so loving. And of Guru Gobind Singh, who 24 hours a day said, “Tav prasad—This is all Your blessing.” We should take these things into our inner mind.
From today let this be the end of your enmity and of writing your name on every little thing that you donate. Our body, mind, and wealth are all His. What can we tell Him? He is Master of our thoughts, of everything. Are we to please people or the Guru?
Those who read Nit Nem (daily Sikh prayers) and such are not to be rich. This is our discipline. If you give sword and saropa (long scarf–to VIP visitors), know that the sword represents great sacrifices. Ask Maharaj if this person is truly Khalsa. Why don’t we take on a little discipline? The Guru will be very happy. Here at Gobind Sadan we don’t give swords or saropas, not even garlands. We give Japp Sahib and tell people to first bow at Darbar Sahib (place of the scripture) and do Chaur Sahib (waving sacred whisk over it) and then perhaps meet me.
I agreed to make this committee on the basis that we would not do anything against religious principles. The Guru is happy that you have made a decision. It is a sign that there can be peace in our community, too. This is not something to be discouraged about. It is a matter of taking blessings. There has been such long fighting. Sikhism has lost ground because of this. If brothers fight, the father is very distressed.
You must make a very strict programme for daswant. Everyone wants it to be used for schools and such. We must not criticize each other, and we must adopt discipline. We want to develop respect for Sikhism. Without fighting, you will progress. No matter what happens, in any difficulty, we are with you.
Now ask for forgiveness. There’s no word for please or sorry in Punjabi—or thank you.
Now all the members are laughing.
Inside, clean your minds. Become brothers and sisters. Take His blessings. Don’t be in a hurry. It’s a matter of our children’s lives. Be sure to check the abilities of those you appoint to educational positions. There must be no misbehavior.
As they have tea on the lawn, these people who until recently were dire enemies are now laughing and mixing with each other. Seeing this miracle, Maharaj says,
Mehar (Blessing) has come. Now dharma will grow.
In the evening, Maharaj calls all of us up to his havan and has Bibi Jaswant Kaur and Bhagat Ji sing some of his favorite songs, as he sits quietly with his eyes closed. The community happily sings along in Punjabi with the familiar verses, such as:
“Great and blessed Guru Gobind Singh, Great and blessed Baba Siri Chand, Great and blessed Guru Nanak.”
“Sow the seed of Nam.”
“Become the beloved of Guru Gobind Singh.”
“When the Guru shot his arrows at us, our hearts were pierced.”
“Go ahead on the path of Guru Gobind Singh.”
“Everything is Gobind [God, Guru Gobind Singh]; everything is Gobind. There is nothing without Gobind.”
Jaap Sahib is simultaneously being chanted by devotees who are on duty at the havan. The miraculous victory belongs to God, Guru Gobind Singh, and Jaap Sahib.