March 25, 1997 – The Prophets always clash with authorities


                An effort is being made to establish a global group of religious leaders. Maharaj has his reservations about such a project. He dictates a letter to be sent to the person who has initiated this cause and is inviting him to join it:

                The prophet comes to speak according to God’s word alone, rather than follow the mistakes of humans. And then the prophets are crucified. The Prophet Muhammad was outspoken about the practice of worshipping statues representing the many powers of God. He said, “Even if I have a sun in each hand, I will not leave my mission.” Then they stoned him.

                All the prophets have one goal, and to defend it requires struggle. There were thus personality clashes and attacks, but they never abandoned their goal. They said to worldly leaders, “We do not intend to build an army like yours,” and “My one Singh is worth one and a quarter lakhs of yours.” Moses said to the pharaoh, “Why enslave humans?” Even though they were attacked, their message has spread to the world. All prophets were against crime, pressure, and oppression, and thus they were attacked.

                The dervish is greater than the king. The Mughal sultan was ruler of Delhi but he was very suspicious of the power of the great Sufi saint Nizamuddin Auliya. Once when the Sultan had gone to war in West Bengal, he sent a decree that the saint must leave Delhi before he returned. On hearing this news, the poet Amir Khusro went to Nizamuddin Auliya in great concern. The saint was unperturbed. He remarked, “Delhi is yet very far away.” Then what happened? A special celebration was arranged for the Sultan on his way back to Delhi after his victory in West Bengal. As he stood on the platform, a great storm came up. The platform collapsed and he fell down and died. How can a person live who has defied the word of the dervish?

                Dharma is always victorious, but it is not in the majority. The person who is chosen is chosen by God, not by meeting to decide the leaders. Does a human have the eye to discern what is a stone and what is a diamond? No prophet or dervish or saint has been chosen by a meeting. It is God’s choice, at a fixed time.

                Such a project as you are planning requires airplane tickets and loss of work. Use that money instead to build something useful, such as places for cripples and orphans.

                First make up your mind that we cannot make anyone a prophet. God’s stamp is needed. Moses gave us proof: God gave him the power to turn water into blood. First meet with God, and then we’ll surely come to your meeting.

                The prophets made no buildings. They said, “Come–let us all gather on my Father’s earth, under His sky.” Buddha left the palace to sit under a peepul tree. Moses’ people were hungry, but he  knew that God had made a commitment to them, so manna fell in abundance from the heavens.

                People cannot tolerate others’ religions and don’t understand their own.

                He is there–and we want to take His place? The Prophet Muhammad said from the beginning, “Please keep me with those who are on Your path, not with those who are astray.” We can say that so-and-so has written so many books, but who gave them the power to do so? If you have no base, how can you build the roof? First meditate, vanquish ignorance within, and then you can begin to build.

                After dictating this letter, Maharaj ji remarks, “Our letters are to save people from drowning.”