The central prayer in Judaism is the Sh’ma: “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). After reciting the Lord’s Prayer before Jesus’s statue at Gobind Sadan every night, our children also recite the Sh’ma, because Jesus was a Jew. Similarly, Guru Gobind Singh gave his Sikhs these words to recite in their morning prayers: “Listen all, I proclaim the Truth: Only those who deeply love God have ever attained Him.” We recite these sacred words, but what do they mean?
Baba Virsa Singh was constantly teaching us to love God and to have faith in God. He told me clearly, “Gobind Sadan’s mission is to help everyone draw closer to God.” He taught us,
Don’t think that God is a theory; God is Reality. If you think God is a theory, you will never become enlightened. And don’t think that you can ever be separated from God. As the Guru Granth Sahib says, “God is sitting inside you, nearer than your hands and feet. The distance between you and God is as thin as an insect’s wing. We can never be separated from God—neither at birth nor at death.”
Sufis call God the “Beloved.” It is love that binds us intimately to God and makes us aware of God’s presence everywhere. Babaji said,
If God’s Love is in your mind, you will see that nothing in the world is without this Love. When you love God, you will start seeing God among the animals, the trees, the inarticulate things. God is present even in that which we cannot see. Only the one who is absorbed in God recognizes God’s presence. Such a person has given her mind to God, and thus attained God. There is so much love in God that all the rivers—the whole universe—can be filled with it. The moment you touch God, you become filled with love.
God is waiting at the gate, but all the gates are empty. No one is there to enter. So let us pass through that gate where love dwells, and only love.