November 29, 1996 – The guru assigns duties


                Maharaj has not been seeing anyone for days, but when I am called for audience with him, to my surprise he is very powerful. I happily tell him that my son Justin is coming from the US tomorrow night. He says, “He plays guitar.” No one told him this–He has seen this in vision. When I tell him that Justin likes to do dangerous things in the mountains, Maharaj observes–from vision–“Just like his father.”

                Then he talks about how wonderfully Maharaj takes care of everything–inherited qualities, the character of the parents, colors, etc–even in the womb, where the baby is doing Nam. After that, he makes some wonderful remarks about how the guru chooses whom to give duties to.

                Ramakrishna knew that Vivekananda would carry his mission in English, so whenever he came, he gave his full attention to this disciple. Vivekananda asked the Goddess, “Ma, vivek buddhi de” (Mother, give me wisdom). He was not asking out of self-interest; he needed this quality in order to carry Ramakrishna’s message. In the same way, when a ruler is developing a kingdom, he should know where to place people. He should never give a high position to someone who wants his own praise. An enlightened person may be loyal, but if misplaced can spoil the machinery. Read about historical policies–about what failed when highly-praised people were put into the machinery. Recognize what happened at that timenot everyone is worthy of a powerful position.

                In the time of the Ninth Guru, morals were very bad, and people were hurting others’ religions. But the time came when the Guru (his son, Guru Gobind Singh) was victorious. Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj was very savvy about management. He knew that humility, brains, and understanding of policy are qualities needed for a person to be sent as an emissary.

                Before establishing a policy, wait and think. But once it is made, don’t interfere. Famous people have to be very careful of the future effect of their words.

 We don’t have to think much about hukam. There is no need to plan or think. Just “Sat bachan, (Yes, sir) ” and go forth. A person who believes and follows hukam will never stay down–he will rise to the heavens. Thus the guru distributed kingdoms.

                Maharaj finishes these important observations with the story of Bhai Bachittar Singh, the devotee who was sent out by Guru Gobind Singh to confront a drunken elephant who was being used to batter down the gate of their fort. Empowered by the hukam of his Guru, Bachittar Singh rode out of the fort on horseback and thrust his spear into the elephant’s forehead, whereupon the maddened creature left the gate and attacked the enemies.