Several men from the Sserulanda Spiritual Foundation in Rakai District of Uganda have come to take Maharaj’s blessings for Guru Granth Sahib that they are carrying to their center, and to tell him about their development projects. They are disciples of Bambi Baaba. They say they are trying to develop farms, animal husbandry, free schools, a naturotherapy hospital, and a clay factory making bricks and roofing tiles. They explain that Bambi Baaba has created these projects to create employment for the people of the area. They describe him as a very good farmer, growing bananas, peanuts, peas, beans, sugarcane, and mangoes. Their land is virgin, very fertile, they say. The government is very supportive, but provides no funding.
Maharaj says to them:
There is so much energy in your land that if you all work, it will give you back much more than what you need yourself. What the people are looking for—that is in God’s hands.
You are well aware that there was a time when human beings were not treated as humans, and were forced to work under very bad circumstances. God was deciding how to get rid of this slavery, these bad circumstances. At that time, God chose Moses: “Go—free the people!” Moses said, “How can I do that? I’m only a human being.” God showed some miracles and then said, “Go and with the help of this stick you will bring the people out of slavery.” Now also around the world people are under poverty and crime. The decision is with God, and the situation will improve.
We should think of and do the right things, but He will take care of us. Whenever He wants, He will look after His congregation. Wait for that day. It will surely come. Just as seasons change, all things are changing. It is within His power to bring good for humanity.
In the Arab world, there was maximum poverty. There was no food; people did not know what to do. So God sent His messenger: Muhammad. He started blessing everybody. He said, “There will be nobody in this land whom we will not help.” Now from a worldly point of view, they have the maximum wealth.
Similarly, all eyes are on your country. It will be the richest. Your very land: She is saying, “No one is developing me. What wrong have I done?”
Love God, love people, work. This is the message I always give.