Stories from Gobind Sadan

December 23 B, 1994 – How to meditate


The son of the German magazine reporter does not want to meditate. Maharaj speaks to him in terms that he can understand and accept:

            If you want to have a strong mind, happy family life, and good business, meditation... Read more

December 28, 1994 – Returning to the love of Jesus


Gerard Menzel, a world-rover, is here from Australia. He says,

Being with Babaji has brought me back to the true understanding of Jesus’ love. I had rejected everything of religion, especially Christianity, because of the power structures in the... Read more

December 30, 1994 – Father Gregorios’s Guru


Father Paulos Mar Gregorios is one of the pre-eminent Christian leaders in the world. He is Past-President of the World Council of Churches and Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church. He is also a brilliant scholar of all religions.... Read more

January 6, 1995 – Visiting Father Gregorios

Last night Maharaj said that he wanted to pay Father Gregorios a visit of love today, so it was arranged. Maharaj said he had a very strong inner feeling to do so for the past few days. This is highly... Read more

January 7, 1995 – Light has no barriers

Tonight Maharaj sat in his garden on the hill and gave a lovely talk about turning on the switch to light and happiness by transcending all barriers. “There is One Light from which all the prophets have come,” he said.... Read more

January 8, 1995 – Indar’s storm


            Gurcharan says that Maharaj gave hukam that this place should be so decorated with lightbulbs for Guru Gobind Singh’s birthday that Indar Devta (king of the gods, associated with rain and thunderstorms) would come down to see what is... Read more

January 9, 1995 – Faith, responsibility, and love

            Seeing Maaike Snel of the Netherlands, who is very faithful in carrying out her seva duties, Maharaj gives us a wonderful talk based on her good qualities:

I feel that faith and responsibility are two separate things. The person who... Read more

January 12a, 1995 – His vision of Jesus


True to his word, Father Gregorios has sent two artists to help make a statue of Jesus corresponding to Maharaj’s vision. Maharaj describes the whole scene:

            Jesus was standing behind the dairy in a flowing open robe with long... Read more

January 12b, 1995 – We cannot claim any prophet

Dr. Diana Eck has come to meet Maharaj, along with two of her friends. Diana is a well-known scholar of comparative religion and Indian studies. She heads the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, documenting the fact that many religions are... Read more

January 13, 1995 – Beautiful Healing with Light

            The father of Gurcharan Kaur, our manager, has been pining away and rapidly growing senile since his wife died recently. He was so bereft that he predicted... Read more

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