Stories from Gobind Sadan

3 March, 1995 – The Inner-Knower


                In Guru Granth Sahib, God is often referred to as Antarjanee – the Inner-Knower. Whenever Maharaj speaks to people, it is clear that he knows what is going on in their lives and in their minds. He knows us... Read more

March 27, 1995 – Fire and rain


            It was a clear and calm night. Maharaj sat in the garden under the stars, as he has been doing these days, speaking quietly to a group of people who gathered. He spoke at length about the use of... Read more

30 March, 1995 – Healing Father Gregorios


            When I called Father Gregorios on the phone today, he said that he was so very weak and exhausted these days that he could not even get out of bed. He asked for Maharaj to pray for... Read more

April 18, 1995 – Spiritual guidance for Prime Minister’s family


            Family members of India’s Prime Minister Narasimha Rao and Congress party workers have come for Maharaj’s guidance. He gives them a long talk covering many spiritual subjects, beginning with finding God within ourself and cleaning our karma by... Read more

April 22, 1995 – He accepts the Bhog


            As I waited for afternoon tea, Gore-wali asked me to offer it to Maharaj first in the langar kitchen, as is usually done by someone else. I bowed, put the tea in the puja place, and asked Maharaj... Read more

May 5, 1995 – His car obeys the hukam


            We were told to get ready for a quiet trip to Lucknow, capital of Uttar Pradesh. The Governor, Chief Minister, Cabinet Ministers, etc. of UP all wanted to meet Maharaj there, and Rai Singh was urging him to... Read more

May 7, 1995 – Interfaith blessings at Jesus’ Place


            Last night 17-year-old Neelu, daughter of Geeta Singh, went late up to Jesus’ Place with Rita and Harman to decorate it. Rita bowed and told Neelu to do so, and then said, “Sit here 4 or 5 minutes,... Read more

May 12, 1995 – Prayers at Jesus’ Place


            Yesterday while Major Sahib was translating our latest newsletter to Maharaj for his approval or corrections, Maharaj began delivering a strong warning that peace marches and peace seminars are a futile waste, since the people who speak and... Read more

May 18, 1995 – “The holy power is lost in marble”


            As he speaks to some staff people, Maharaj begins talking about the loss of spiritual power in previously holy places:

In a spiritual place, the important thing is that the Nazar (saint’s blessed gaze) fell there, not the... Read more

May 19, 1995: Letter to his beloved friend, Father Gregorios


            Maharaj ji called us to dictate a letter to Father Gregorios, whose health is failing and who has gone abroad for medical treatment. Maharaj dictated:

My beloved friend,

            I learned by phone that you have gone abroad.... Read more

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