Stories from Gobind Sadan

July 1, 1995 – The Goddess Herself blows the conch


            Maharaj is so exceptional. He remains apparently quietly in virtual seclusion, and yet something extraordinary is always going on around him. On June 27, as he joined the 31 pandits he has called in for ten days of... Read more

July 9, 1995 – Remembering Surendra Nath


            It is the one-year anniversary of the tragic death of Sri Surendra Nath, Governor of Punjab, and his family in a private plane crash. They were all great devotees, and he was a very effective public servant. Maharaj... Read more

July 21, 1995 – To Russia with love


            I’ve just returned from a busy 10-day visit to Russia on Maharaj’s behalf. He had seen in vision since childhood that Russians would be the most faithful followers, even though Russia was at that time officially atheistic, and... Read more

July 23, 1995 – Don’t give up


            Andrew Euston, a high official in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development invited Maharaj to meet some colleagues—sincere architects and town planners–in his cozy, plant-filled home when we were in Washington in December 1992. Sensitive and... Read more

July 25, 1995 – The Truth for General Uban


            Whenever Major General Sujan Singh Uban (Retd.) comes to see Maharaj Ji, we can be sure that Maharaj Ji will give a special teaching. Why is this? I have pointed out this fact to General Uban, and he... Read more

August 8, 1995 – Kidnapped son returned

            I have just returned from this year’s 6-day visit with my family in the US. All our visits were very sweet, by Maharaj’s grace, so it was very hard to leave them. After my husband left me at our... Read more

August 9, 1995 – A letter from Pakistan

            India and Pakistan are not on good terms with each other politically, but a wonderful letter has come to Maharaj Ji from a scholar in Pakistan, Dr. Syed Faizal Haidar. It was dated 24 June, 1995, and was written... Read more

August 10, 1995 – A letter for Hindu leaders


            Maharaj has been inspired to share his genuine experiences with Hindu leaders, so he calls Major Sahib and dictates a letter to be sent to the major Shankaracharyas, sages, and temple officials:

            Once the order came from... Read more

August 11, 1995 – All prophets have taught love


            Sukhwinder Malhi, a senior reporter for the National Herald newspaper, has come to interview Maharaj. Maharaj Ji obliges him with a lovely talk about the oneness of all religions. In part, he says:

            Throughout the world religion... Read more

Ancient Connections of Peoples of Eurasia from the Point of View of India’s Pluralistic Spiritual Culture – Mary Pat Fisher, New Delhi

We are seeking to bring all Eurasian peoples together on a common platform, but it is important to recognize that our peoples have been communicating with each other—usually peacefully—since ancient times, through traders, travelers, rulers, and spiritual teachers. Exploring our... Read more

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