Stories from Gobind Sadan

 October 21, 1995 – The dervish is bound only by love


            An Islamic visionary from a 500-year-old pir’s place in Madhya Pradesh, Syed Anar Shah Rahmud Allay from Iraq, has come to see Maharaj. Maharaj tells him,

The dervish is unique. After the prophet leaves, people bind him into... Read more

2 November, 1995 – Maharaj’s photo for the 9-yard pir


            Two days ago, Giani Ji and Bakshish were coming back to Delhi. As they passed through Ambala Cantonment in Haryana on the Grand Trunk Road, Bakshish remarked to Giani Ji that a very great pir’s dargah (tomb) was... Read more

November 30, 1995 – Developing better human beings


Mr. A. K. Kaushal, ADO of the Directorate of Agriculture in Shimla, is especially involved in the purchase of peas. Maharaj Ji gives him a wonderful talk about the need to study how to develop better quality in human... Read more

December  8th 1995 – Conversation with his friend, Father Gregorios


            Father Paulos Mar Gregorios, Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan and former head of the World Council of Churches, is Maharaj’s dear friend. Now he has a serious ailment which limits his activities and may threaten his life. He has come... Read more

December 16, 1995 – At Bhai Mohan Singh’s


              Bhai Mohan Singh is a highly respected elderly Sikh gentleman who was the CEO of India’s largest pharmaceutical firm and has also served for many years as Ambassador of San Marino. He lives in a lovely “bungalow” in... Read more

December 20, 1995 – How to spread the mission


              Maharaj is speaking privately to his staff, giving very important clues about how God’s mission is to be spread. In part, he says,

              In our mission, two things are joined: making use of people’s bodily energy and... Read more

December 23rd, 1995 – To Russia with love


              Valentin Sidorov of Russia has come again with some of his followers to speak to Maharaj about their efforts to bring harmony among religions. Maharaj spends a long time talking with them, giving examples spontaneously from the lives... Read more

January 15, 1996 – Deva Sharif

Photos and excerpt from Baba Virsa Singh Ji Maharaj when he visited Deva Sharif, the shrine of the great Sufi saint Syed Waris Ali Shah in... Read more

February 4th & 6th 1996 – Chief Minister of Punjab and Home Minister visit


              After the former Chief Minister of Punjab, Beant Singh, was assassinated even with 5000 security people around him, security is very tight at Gobind Sadan as the new Chief Minister, H. S. Brar, comes to pay his first... Read more

February 5th, 1996 – We cannot understand enlightenment


              Major Sahib has read out the draft of the new Punjabi newsletter to Maharaj, which contains Maharaj Ji’s talk about meditation. Maharaj listens carefully and then remarks,

It is very difficult to understand enlightenment. Even the enlightened person... Read more

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