Stories from Gobind Sadan

November 12, 1997 – God brings Light into the darkness


Valentin Sidorov from Russia, leader of International Association for Peace through Culture, is back again. He reminds Maharaj ji that he has agreed to give him a report of what is going on in his group each time he... Read more

November 13, 1997 – The miracle of Jesus’ well


            Gobind Sadan’s land is very dry, desert-like. The only way we can grow things here is with the help of water from deep tubewells. The water table is hundreds of feet deep, and dropping lower all the time.... Read more

November 17, 1997 – Wait for goodness to return


Zhenya Lugov has brought a group of Russians to meet Maharaj ji. Since Russians are always concerned about their country, Maharaj immediately starts giving advice to benefit their whole nation:

Here we emphasize work as well as religion—work and... Read more

December 8, 1997 – Focus your mind with meditation


Keith Byron from the United States has come, in the process of travelling to various holy places in India. He asks Maharaj ji, “Shall I travel or meditate?” Maharaj tells him, 

You can do both, but meditation is essential.... Read more

December 12, 1997 – Anger is the door to hell

A public official who has come to Maharaj ji is upset about something. Maharaj says to him, 

Without the Guru’s Merciful Gaze (Nazar), karma cannot be changed. Understand that as a miracle. It is also a miracle if a person... Read more

December 13, 1997 – Why 7 bananas and Jaap Sahib? 


After Maharaj blissfully listens to Bibi Jaswant Kaur singing kirtan and sangat reading Jaap Sahib in his havan on the hill, he is inspired to speak to us about why we do these things. In part, he says,

Where... Read more

December 17, 1997 – Use your energy for love

We are nearing the end of 40 days in which teams of two people at a time are sitting in Maharaj’s havan in his hillside garden reading Jaap Sahib. After each verse, they are reciting “Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Sahib!”... Read more

December 22, 1997 – The wonderful effect of raga

After blissfully listening to kirtan in the evening at his hillside garden havan, Maharaj speaks to his brother Mehal Singh and a group of villagers: Such singing creates waves, and your isht (most loved form of God) begins to speak... Read more

December 25, 1997 – Celebrating both Jesus and Guru Gobind Singh

It is Christmas evening, and Maharaj has come up to Jesus’ Place, where he is sitting near the right hand of our statue of Jesus. Someone has placed a crown on Jesus’ head that makes him look like a saint... Read more

December 26, 1997 – Inspiring guidance for Narasimha Rao

Narasimha Rao was India’s Prime Minister from 1991 to 1996. He has come back to Maharaj ji again for blessings and guidance. Maharaj ji first asks him, “How’s your health?” “So-so.” Maharaj says, With good karma, a person is so... Read more

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